Best CCNA Training Institute In Delhi

Cisco Certified Network Associate CCNA Routing and Switching Considered by most to be the highest level of professional certification in IT Networking, the CCNA tests candidates via both written and practical tests, both of which must be passed to earn the certification.

Our CCNA Training in Delhi help you gain the skills to implement, support, optimize and defend networks, while preparing for industry-recognized networking and wireless certifications including  IOS, IPv6, IPv4, VMware, Cisco Licensing, Wire shark, Serial Line Interfaces, Frame Relay interfaces VLANs, Ethernet, VLSM, OSPF, EIGRP and basic traffic filtering.
Networking Jobs in CCNA Certification.

Professionals CCNA Routing and Switching who are certified through the Cisco CCNA Certification program are qualified for a number of jobs in the technology field like Network Specialists, Network security analyst, Network Administrators, Network data engineer, Network Support Engineers, Network data engineer and more.

Network Threats

There are different types of network threats which need to be handled by a CCNA-certified engineer.
·         Denial of service
·         Packet replay
·         Man-in-the-middle
·         Packet modification
·         Eavesdropping
Network Security is an integral part of CCNA training. That Candidate who need to earn CCNA Certification should do a CCNA course from a reputed institute.

Why Codec Networks?

Codec Networks with their world class facilities CISCO Training Certification in Delhi and pan India facilitate Industry oriented training programs for emerging technocrats/entry level technical executives and train them as per industry needs and make them ready to perform better in the IT Industry in Networking cum Server domain. These technocrats are groomed to fit the current organization not only in terms of technical capability but also in their immediate service delivery skills.
CCNA Certification in Delhi offering hands on practical knowledge and provide basic as well as advanced level CCNA training. We provide Cyber | Information | Web | IT  Security to the Companies and also offer Training in that field with Live project work.

Modules Covered

·         Network Fundamentals
·         LAN Switching Technologies
·         Routing Technologies
·         WAN Technologies
·         Infrastructure Services
·         Infrastructure Security
·         Infrastructure Management

Course Duration

·         Fast Track : 5 Days (6 - 7 Hours/Day)
·         Regular Track : 5 Weeks (2 Hours/Day)
·         Weekend Track : 8 Weekends (3 Hours/Day)

For further Inquiry

·         Visit our website :- Codec Networks
·         Mobile No:- +91 9971676124 | +91 8800331124
·         Email :-
·         Address :- New Delhi House, Barakhamba, New Delhi


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