NAT is a part of CISCO Training the following steps are provided by Codec Networks Experts.
NAT stands for Network address translation, it is a technology used to remap one IP address space into another, this is done by modifying network information in Internet Protocol (IP) datagram packet header while they are in transmitting data across traffic through a routing device. It is used to reroute traffic in a network without readdressing every host.
In its advanced implementations, IP masquerading is done to convert the global IP into private IP. It is an essential tool to prevent the IPv4 exhaustion by sharing a single IPv4 address over a whole network.
The private IP (i.e. the IP provided to the end machine or the user machine) is changed into the public IP (i.e. used to connect to the internet), this one single IP is used to connect to carry out different WAN services. This NAT implementation has a great effect on the network performance, this technique requires proper netting so as to get best results out of our network. NAT implementation can also slow down your internet connectivity if it is not carried properly.
NAT implementations are two types
  1. Static NAT
  2. Dynamic NAT
To know more about the networking basics join Cisco’s CCENT or CCNA Training Certification in Delhi | NCR.
In this blog, we are going to see how Static NAT is implemented
The practice is carried on GNS3 & can also be used to implement on Cisco packet tracer and real Cisco devices as well.
This screenshot below shows the topology for static nat.
Networking Topology in Diagram
In the above topology, the IP address of PC1 i.e. is to be mapped with public IP.
After assigning the IPs to the routers and PCs , implement any routing technique to get the connectivity between the two PCs.
When you ping PC1 from PC2 you will get following response shown in screenshot below
After doing the above task you need to know the following terms:
  • Your Private IP: The IP assigned to PC1 in this case is my private IP.
  • Your Public IP: The IP which is used to map PC1’s IP ( Here I will be using as private IP)
  • Internal Network: The extension from router (R1) to PC (PC1) is my internal network.
  • External Network: The extension from router (R1) to second router (R2) is my external network.
The above things are explained in the screenshot below.
Internal External Network Connection
Now you have to configure internal network and external network on the Router R1 using following commands:
R1(config)#intfa 0/0
R1(config-if)#ipnat outside
R1(config-if)#intfa 0/1
R1(config-if)#ipnat inside

Now you have to implement NAT using flowing command.
R1(config-if)#ip bat inside source static
Now if you ping the PC1 from PC2, you will see that the reply of ICMP command is obtained from publicly assigned IP i.e. Commands
This how the Static NAT is implemented on CISCO routers.
                                                                                                  — By Amandeep Singh (Networking Expert)
Codec Networks offers best CCNA Training in Delhi with best-experienced specialists.  Codec Networks offers real-time and placement attentive computer networking training in Delhi Our hardware and networking development includes basic to advanced level and our computer networking course is planned to develop the assignment in good MNC companies in Delhi | NCR as quickly as once you whole the networking  WAN, LAN training course.
