Enhance Your Data Security and Business Performance using ISO 27001

ISO 27001 Information Security Management System is an International Standard to strengthen the Information Security of any organisation. This is a powerful framework which helps the organisation to protect their data.
An ISO certification is an external assurance to improve trust with both new and existing customers. While it’s impossible to guarantee security against a wide variety of intrusions, ISO 27001 greatly increases your odds of success.

Why You Need ISO 27001

Information security and Cyber Security is the main concern of the organisation’s now a days. Data has become the most crucial asset .Since data is available in both electronic and non-electronic format ISMS gives control to safeguard both of them. Companies typically seek ISO 27001 because they do business overseas and in many cases are required to get the certification. In addition to being able to do business overseas, ISO 27001 has side benefits such as productivity and efficiency gains throughout the whole organization.Codec Networks provides ISO 27001 Lead Auditor training in Delhi and end to end implementation of ISMS.

It Helps in Creating New Business Opportunities

ISO 27001 can be a unique selling point in terms of competitive edge, showing that your organization understands what it takes to protect your clients’ sensitive data.

It helps in keeping Your Information Safe

Every business has a responsibility to keep their data safe, whether it’s customer data, internal employee records, or intellectual property. ISO 27001 gives you a way to protect all of your data from potential threats including natural disasters, staff negligence, fraud, and even cyber-attacks.ISMS helps in keeping the information safeguard with the help of proper gap assessment, risk assessment, controls and policies.

It helps in Cost Reduction

If you think increasing security does not decrease cost, think again. Consider the cost of service interruption for your business or what will happen to your reputation if data leaks to the public. Every time this type of event is mitigated, it saves your organization money.
It helps in Simplify third party vendor reviews.
ISO 27001 helps the organisation to simplify third party vendor reviews. This system simplifies the third-party due diligence process by your current and future business partners and in turn, you reduce certain burdens of proof such as providing all security documentation. ISMS makes the security verification process for your organization faster and more efficient.
It helps in gaining market share and enhance your reputation.
ISO 27001 is well known internationally accepted security standard. When the organisation has a mature ISMS it will be an assurance to all the stakeholders, clients, customer about data security and secured information systems. It also helps to adapt proactive measures so that any contingencies like cyber security threats, incidents, zero day attack can be handled smoothly. This standard can be aligned with various regulations like GDPR, Data Protection Laws etc.


Using ISO 27001 can protect your organization’s reputation, as well as your information assets both internally and abroad. It can also increase customer confidence by showing that you are doing everything possible to minimize the risk of data loss.

Codec Networks will help you to achieve the compliance and provides all PECB courses training as well.
