
Showing posts from January, 2019


What is Machine Learning? Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence that generates programs for computer to access data and analyze it. Based on this analysis, the system automatically learns and improvises itself. Machine Learning is the study of certain set of rules using statistical and logical approach to solve a particular problem. These set of rules are called Machine Learning Algorithms and are used in machine learning for continuous development and improvement of specific task. Main aim of machine learning is to make machines learn automatically and work without human interference and assistance.  Machine Learning is an approach to make life easier for human beings by reducing their efforts. Face Recognition, virtual personal assistants like amazon’s alexa and Google home, filtering spam emails and malwares, online customer support, search engine result refining, social media services are a few applications of machine learning. Types of Mach

Features of Python

What is Python ? Python is a programming language. Which can be used in any operating system, Python is having wide range of application from web development, scientific and mathematical computing to graphical interface. Python was discovered by Guido Van Rossum in 1980s and it was first announced in 1994 , it was named Python from the series of comedy Monty Python’s Flying Circus. There are many features of Python such as : Easy to learn Free and open source Portable High level Interpreted language Large standard library to solve common task Structured language Object oriented Easy to learn : Python is easy to learn as compared to other language like Java , C, C++, Javascript it is very easy to code in Python. Free and open source : Python is open source language, which means its source code is available to everyone, anyone can download it, change it, or use it. Python is free to download from its official website Portable : There is no need

Data Analytic Matplotlib (Guide)

Data visualization is an important part of Data Analysis . Matplotlib is the most popular data visualization module in python . Other module like Tensorflow uses matplotlib for visualization. Creating visualization refers to creating stuffs. Matplotlib is designed to be as usable as MATLAB, with the ability to use Python, and the advantage of being free and open-source. Matplotlib is designed with the philosophy that you should be able to create simple plots with just a few commands, or just one! If you want to see a histogram of your data, you shouldn’t need to instantiate objects, call methods, set properties, and so on; it should just work. History of Matplotlib: Matplotlib was originally written by  John D. Hunter , has an active development community, and is distributed under a  BSD-style license . Michael Droettboom was nominated as matplotlib’s lead developer shortly before John Hunter’s death in August 2012, and further joined by Thomas Caswell. Matplotlib was initia

from a network engineer to security analyst

Entering the world of Information Security and opting for a career path can be very confusing, especially for a fresher in the field. Knowing where to begin and what to learn. Now there are a lot of sources people turn to for advice but very rarely you’d find a rule of thumb or a proper progress plan to proceed which is still okay considering everybody has their own plan to make their career. Here’s my attempt at clearing out some of those doubts and giving you a progress plan of courses to do and certifications to get that may help you advance in the world of information security. The 5 step process of decision: Know your position Know your stream Know the kind of knowledge you want Analyze your options Set a progress plan & go Know your position: Knowing where you stand in terms of knowledge and expertise is a must, this will help you decide a proper training path. There can be 3 classifications under this point:   (i). Fresher (ii). Pro (iii). Expert (i).