
Showing posts from May, 2018


Consumers have long wondered just what Google and Facebook know about them, and who else can access their personal data. But internet giants have little incentive to give straight answers — even to simple questions like, "Why am I being shown this ad?" The power balance will shift towards consumers, thanks to a European privacy law that restricts how personal data is collected and handled. Organizations must be clear and compact about their gathering and utilization of personal information like full name, street number, area information, IP address, or the identifier that tracks web and application use on smartphones. Organizations need to explain why the information is being gathered and whether it will be utilized to make profiles of individuals' activities and propensities. Also, shoppers will pick up the privilege to get to information organizations store about them, the privilege to adjust incorrect information, and the privilege to restrict the utilization of


Information technology is an exploring career where we can choose a variety of specialization as we get more and more experienced. IT also presents exciting opportunities and challenges from time to time. However, one thing to note is that IT is not stagnant. As professionals working in this industry, we      need to keep up with these changes and one of the way we do so is turn to IT certifications. When it comes to the value of certifications in the technology industry there are mixed reactions. While some see them as validation of their skills and proof of their ability, some senior workers hold the opposite point of view. Nevertheless, one thing for sure is that once we get an IT certification, we join a select group of individuals with demonstrated skills. This shows that apart from possessing comprehensive knowledge of the technology, we also care enough about our own career to spend the time and money to get certified. ISACA is a not-for-profit, independent authority