
Showing posts from December, 2017

Careers and Scope in “Cyber Security”

Why CYBER SECURITY is a BIG word now? We are putting software everywhere. This is changing the way we live and how we behave and interact with the world around us. As technology becomes more and more deeply integrated into our lives, we become more and more dependent on it. But this dependence makes us vulnerable if technology fail. As per the prediction by global industry experts, by year, 2020 there will be 200 billion connected things. Everything from Cars, planes, homes, cities, to even animals will be connected directly or with the technologies like IoT etc. In today's world, it’s important that technology is available easily, protected and secure. If not, we will suffer consequences in our daily lives by sure. What is CEH Certification? Certification course- Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), by EC-Council to validate a cybersecurity professional’s knowledge and skills as a “White Hat” or ethical hacker. CEH certification is among the most sought-after certifications a

How to Get Android Notifications on Windows 10 – The Easy Way

Notifications in android provide the facility to check what is happening in the phone without opening apps or anything. Notifications make the life easier. User gets to know about updates of apps, system any problem in android or anything for which user are interested. Now windows 10 provide the facility to check the notification of your android phone on windows screen. Codec Network  is Best Institute for  Android Training in Delhi , India. We provide   App development training in Delhi , with Lab Facility. We prepare for latest Version on  Android Certification in Delhi NCR ,  candidates need to work on a Live project. If we talk about a scenario : You are working on computer and that time a notification appears on your smart phone. You think that is really very important to answer but you are too busy to get up and grab the phone from table or some other place. In this situation windows 10 digital assistant feature can help you, which name is CORTANA. In this blog we wi